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Pack Cadeau pour femme musulmane (Coran - Tapis - 3 Livres blanc dores) - Couleur blanc dore
Pack Cadeau pour femme musulmane (Coran - Tapis - 3 Livres blanc dorés) - Couleur blanc doré
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Tell me about Hajj Livre
Prix public : 20,00 €
Pratique religieuse

Tell me about Hajj

The story of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, begins over 4000 years ago when, following the Divine command, the Prophet Ibrahim travelled for a long distance till he reached the hot, barren lands of Arabia. There he left his wife, Hagar, and his little baby, Ismail. The story goes on to tell how Hagar struggled to find water for her baby and how at last the miraculous Zamzam spring came gushing out and saved their lives. This is followed by the great sacrifice of Ibrahim, the building of the Kabah and the call to Hajj. This book explains the importance of the annual pilgrimage-one of the pillars of Islam-with a special focus on the Prophet Muhammad's Hajj. These exciting historical events are presented in a simple, informative style, with beautiful illustrations, so that young people may understand and enjoy them. This beautifully illustrated book explains the importance of the annual pilgrimage with special focus on Prophet Muhammad's Hajj (S).

This exceptional series presents the life of some of the Major Prophets as well as the Pillars of Islam. The format has been well designed for young readers to hold their attention. Colorful photographs and illustrations offer glimpses from the history and the land in which the Prophets lived or where religious rites are enacted (i.e The Hajj). Sidebar columns also add to the story with information about the geography and lifestyle of the people of the time and the area. Children learn valuable lessons from the Prophet's stories and practical application of the rites of Hajj. An essential addition to home, school and public libraries


Voir toutes les images : Voir
Auteur : Saniyasnain Khan
Type de produit : Livre
Nombre de pages : 40
Modèle ou Format : Cartonné - 22 x 28 cm
Editeur : Goodword Books
Langue : anglais
ISBN/EAN : 9788187570004
Référence produit : REF. 19709
Disponibilité : Disponible en stock
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Pratiques religieuses - autres produits
Pack Cadeau : J'apprends à prier - Apprentissage de la prière pour filles et garçons de 7 ans et + - REF. 8150 (16.00 €)
Pack de 4 livres de la collection "Apprendre" : Les ablutions et la prière, les invocations, le Tadjwid et les histoires des prophètes - REF. 21396 (12.00 €)
Ramadan Habibi : Livre éducatif avec activités et coloriage pour les 30 jours du mois (Version française) - REF. 39370 (6.00 €)
Ramadan Habibi (Version arabe) - رمضان حبيبي - REF. 37956 (6.00 €)
Apprenez à vos enfants la prière (version française) - REF. 2453 (2.50 €)
Apprenez à vos enfants la prière (version arabe) - علموا أبناءكم الصلاة - REF. 2156 (2.50 €)

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Recherche avancée

Recherche en arabe (Clavier arabe)

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Dattes Ajwa de Médine - 'Adjwa d'Arabie Saoudite - Ajwah Al-Madinah - 400 g net
Dattes Ajwa de Medine - 'Adjwa d'Arabie Saoudite - Ajwah Al-Madinah - 400 g net

18,00 €
14,90 €

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Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtoum - Le Nectar Cachete (Version souple) - Biographie du Prophete Muhammad (SAW) - Nouvelle edition avec cartes couleurs
Exellent livre ! ..

  19/09/2024  Haut de la page 

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